Friday, May 21, 2010

Squid Ink Udon

I've been craving for squid ink udon lately and only managed to get around to cook it today. Squid ink udon may not be to anyone's liking mainly cos of its unappealing appearance and its unfamiliar taste.

I know that it looks like "errrr" but it taste absolutely delicious. Not to self-praise myself here but the distinctive aroma of the squid ink bubbling as you cook it, is mouth-watering. This is one of my favorite dish as well. its quite easy to cook this.

Preparation time : 10-15mins

Cooking time : 20-25mins

(serves 2)

Ingredients :

3-4 tbsp of blended chilli (blend dried chilli and onion)

10 medium size prawn (shelled)

2 sausages (sliced thinly)

1/2 green capsicum (diced)

10-12 small sized squid heads

2 tsp chicken seasoning (i'm using this for seasoning instead of salt)

2 tbsp of sweet soya bean sauce

1/2 a cup of water

2 packets of plain udon

3-4 tbsp of cooking oil

Instructions :

1. Heat up a frying pan with 3-4 tbsp of cooking oil.

2. Add about 3-4 tbsp of chilli (you may add more if you prefer it spicy)

3. Stir it constantly and add about 2 tsp of chicken seasoning to taste.

4. Continue to stir-fry the chilli for about 5-7 mins.

5. Add prawns, sausages and capsicum and let them cook for about 5-6mins.

6. Add the squid head and stir them. You can see the ink oozing out by now and it then look "thick".

7. Add 2 packets of udon, breaking them apart slightly.

8. Add about 1/2 a cup of water to the pan and stir them.

9. Stirring the udon constantly, add about 2 tbsp of sweet soya bean sauce.

10. Let it boil for about 10mins or more until the udon turns soft and is cooked thoroughly.

11. Serve hot.

So that's it. Pretty simple eh? Do challenge yourself to eat this. You'll be surprised with how it tastes like. And if you do, tell me about it ok.

Till then...


Ubiquity said...

Now THAT looks really yummy! All I gotta do is find that squid head.

Queen Marmalade said...

thank you. it is yummy... *teehee* are there squid heads at supermarket in zurich?

Ubiquity said...

I haven't found any in the supermarkets nearby. But I saw a whole squid at a premium supermarket (Globus). Can I use the big squid instead?

Queen Marmalade said...

Oh sure you can.. you can use the whole thing. Just slice the squid thinly and add it to the udon. for the squid head, if its too big, you can cut it.

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