Friday, May 21, 2010

Current Obsessions With Nail Polishes

I love manicured nails. and i love to change my nail colors every week but its pretty expensive to do so. A simple classic manicure ranges from $24-$30 depending on which nail salon you go to. and they charge additional $1 for each nail art design and another $1 for rhinestones etc... in total that will be a freaking $44-$50 for each time. imagine going every week...let your maths do the calculation..its almost a freaking $200!

As much as i love to change my nail colors, that amount is a huge no-no. I've never been the type to paint my nails neatly and without smudges. and i really envy others who could self-paint theirs very well. So i guess, its high time I buck up and start painting my own nails.

I spent some time, "researching" on ways to paint my nails, from the basic of shaping my nails, to removing cuticles, etc...

Most of these videos requires some tools and products which i didn't have in hand. So my sis and I made a trip down to Raffles city to get some nail polishes from The Face Shop. We got some tools like cuticle cutter, orange woodsticks, nail buffer,etc... we managed to find the exact same cuticle remover that we saw on one of the videos. It was highly raved. It's Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover and it cost about S$12-13 for that small bottle. But i guess it'll last pretty long since you only need to remove your cuticles every other week or so?

Anyway, here's a my current nail polish collection. I have not found a proper storage for them. So i simply put them in an empty shoe box.

In case you're wondering, nope i don't store my nail polishes that way. it was just for illustration purpose. See that blue bottle? That's the Sally Hansen's Cuticle Remover. It's really really good.

Once we've got all the necessary tools, we start with the basic steps of filing, shaping, buffing, followed by cuticle remover. and oh boy! it took us almost 2 hours just to get them done! but time was worth spent as our nails look healthier and nicely shaped.

Please pardon my unsightly wrinkly fingers and bad photo quality. This was taken with a camera phone.

I painted French for my sis. My first attempt at French Manicure and I'd say.. pretty good job eh?

Currently my nails are bare. Most of my nails are chipped. *sigh* each time my nail grows longer, they chipped easily. I should really invest in a good nail strengthener if i want to have nice long nails for french manicure.

We've made it a habit to paint our nails often. It's like a weekly affair for us. I cant wait to paint my nails tonight!

Till then...


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