Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maggie Goreng

Maggie is one of my favourite food. On days that my mom don't cook dinner, i'll cook maggie. I love maggie. They're pretty much versatile. I can cook it plain and soupy or dry with sausages and eggs! So every month, we'll always stock up on Maggie. We'll usually get Chicken and Curry and other brand's mee goreng or mee poh dry.

One of my favourite variety of maggie would be Maggie Goreng. I ate this before at an Indian stall and i loved it. So my sis sort of came up with this recipe. Its pretty simple actually.

Preparation time : 10mins
Cooking time :15-20mins

Ingredients :

1 packet of Maggie (Curry Flavour)
2 cups of water
A few pieces of dried chilli
1 medium onion (pealed and cut into 4)
2 tbsp of cooking oil
1 small piece of chicken thigh (sliced thinly)
1 small piece of squid (sliced thinly)
5 medium sized prawn (shelled)
1 egg

Instructions :

1. Boil 2 cups of water in a pot
2. Add 1 packet of maggie, drain once it cook
3. Blend the dried chilli with onion
4. In a pan, heat up about 2 tbsp of cooking oil
5. Add 2 tbsp of blended chilli ( you can add more if you want it spicy)
6. Stir-fry the chilli for about 3mins
7. Add chicken, squid and prawn and stir-fry it for about 10mins
8. Add an egg and stir the mixture until it become "clumpy"
9. Add the drained noodles and mix them together
10. Add only half a packet of the maggie seasoning.
11. Mix together and serve hot.

Tada... and you're done. So go ahead and try this out and tell me what you think about this dish.
" Maggi noodles is a brand of instant noodles manufactured by Nestlé. The brand is popular in India, South Africa, Brazil, Nepal, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the Philippines. In several countries, it is also known as "maggi mee" (mee is Indonesian/Malay for noodles)
Flavours and Variety

Maggi Noodles are available in a large assortment of different flavours. They are:

* Original Flavour
* Chicken
* Curry (a healthier alternative is also sold in supermarkets)
* Kari Letup (Extremely Spicy Curry) in Malaysia
* Laksa Lemak (discontinued)
* Tom yam
* Chicken & Corn
* Beef
* Oriental
* Masala
* Prawn
* Dal Sambar (whole wheat noodles)
* Asam Laksa
* Cheese
* Pizza (only in Saudi Arabia, was available for a period of time in Australia)
* Sup Tulang (bone soup) (in Malaysia)
* Chatpata
* Tomato
* Stronger Chicken
* Vegetable Atta Noodles (whole wheat noodles)
* Shahi Pulao (rice noodles)
* Chilly Chow (rice noodles)
* Lemon Masala (rice noodles)
* Mi Goreng Char Mee
* Mi Goreng Kicap Bawang
* Mi Goreng Pluz Asli
* Capsica (discontinued)
* Itik(duck)
* Mi Udang Pulau Pinang' (discontinued) (in Malaysia) "
(excerpt from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggi_noodles)


Ubiquity said...

Oh la la ! I can totally imagine how good that maggi goreng is. I'm so gonna cook it tonight! Same recipe with yours! Heh...

Queen Marmalade said...

Go ahead and try it out dear. do let me know what you think about it ok?

Ubiquity said...

I tried your maggi goreng. Miam miam ! They're so good!

Queen Marmalade said...

Hahahaha.. i'm really glad you like it :-) you can play around with the ingredients.

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