Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scrapbooking Project One

Remember that i posted earlier about scrapbooking? I started my scrapbooking project last week. In fact, I've actually completed it but i can't post it out yet. I had a blast picking out the materials; from papers to ribbons to buttons and lettering. Even as i sat down and did the Scrapbooking Project 1, i already had ideas for my future projects. It was crazy. I side-tracked a lot and had to "force" myself to concentrate on my current project. *teeheee*

You have no idea how many trips i made in the past week alone. I don't really have a specific lists of things to buy and that itself often ended up on buying a whole lot more. By the time i got back, there would be some things that I've missed out. And the cycle repeats itself. But it was fun. Pondering over the materials and "picturing" what i could do with them... going crazy over the papers and ribbons and buttons. You should have seen how i looked. I was practically ooohhhhh-ing and aaaahhhhh-ing each time i find something new.

I can't wait to start on my scraproom project too. Imagining my rolls of ribbons, drawers of papers, bottles of buttons... wowwww.. I'm gonna start it soon. Buying them in small bits. *grins*

Anyhoo... do come back and check out this space for an update on my Scrapbooking Project 1. It might be up tomorrow. *winks*

Till then...


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