Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dont You Sleep On Me

Omgeee.. Time pass by real slow today. It's like it ate some sleeping pills + rainy day = can't move it hands.

I'm feeling super bored.Not that i don't have anything to do.I do.I'm just simply effing lazy. I wanna crawl back to bed. My eyes are slowly closing in on me.

I don't know why I'm feeling sleepy. I tried to sleep early last night. BUT. By the time i doze off, i was abruptly awaken by my brother!He got home around half past midnight, woke me up to help him tie his tie. And to try to make it better.. he told me he brought home some ice-cream. *_* on normal days i'd sprung outta bed and spoon me some ice-cream topped with hershey's chocolate sauce and some oreo crumbles.But i was simply too tired last night.And i had a throbbing headache after he woke me up *sigh*

Somehow i managed to doze back to dreamland and woke up to a lovely weather! i love when it rain! After much tossing and turning, i woke up close to 9am *gasp* and reach office at 10.30am.Gosh. It's not even noon yet... I can't wait for lunch. Hopefully time pass by swiftly later. Twitter's a bitch today. Its over capacity now.

I'm gonna keep refreshing twitter every min.

Till then...


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