Thursday, July 29, 2010

Updates Updates Updates

Gosh...i just realize that my last post was exactly a month ago to date!

I haven't been blogging for a while cos I've been busy with work lately. And when I'm home and not out with boyfie, i'll spend time watching tv shows.

I just finished watching Glee season 1. I like how the show was.. more onto the aspect of the singing section. as for the back story, its pretty alright i guess. I find Rachel Berry very annoying at times but i cant deny that she's got a great voice.

Anyhoo... i watched half an episode of The Vampires Diaries last night and it reminded me of Twilight. those chick flick vampy movies.. hehe and i was swooned. the guy playing the character of Stefan was not bad looking. *hehe* I shall continue the remaining episode later after work.

On a side note, the weather has taken a toll on me. It's freaky lately. Hot and then rain! and now the aircon in my office isn't working well. I feel like i'm in sauna now. *_* gosh.. at times like this i wish time will past by quickly! Its like dragging the whole day.

I've got loads of things to blog about but i seriously cant find the time to blog about it. But i hope to soon! Perhaps some recipes for the festive baking soon! in the mean time, i shall leave u a pic of my latest nail color for the week!

Chick Flick Cherry

Till Then...


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