Friday, August 13, 2010

Yay To Friday And Nay To Tired, Sleepy, Old Me

I've been so lazy lately that I've kinda "abandon" my blog. With the increase in workload and the fasting month, I find that I simply have no time for anything. It's like : wake up > work > home > break "fast" /dinner > watch tv > sleep. and the cycle goes on. I think I sleep at least 8 hours a day. Yet I find myself very tired and sleepy the next day. *_*

And each day when I reach the office, I'll be asking myself... how much longer till 5pm. Each time I'm typing reports, I'll be glancing at the clock and "counting" down to 5pm. and I get super excited when it's 4pm. cos by then, time pass by super duper fast!

On the side note, i haven't splurge on anything for the past 2 weeks? Hooray to me. *Haha* Actually, I will be splurging on some stuffs later today? I have thought and read and deliberated much and I guess i should "invest" on the products :D

Anyhoo, I am actually very excited to bake soon. I love festive season cos it gives me a reason to bake! I cant wait to start baking chocolate chip cookies. The aroma of nuts and chocolates are heavenly :-)

Ok, i guess I've taken enough "break" from my report. I will make it a point to try and update my blog as and when i can.

Till then...


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