Thursday, June 10, 2010

Scrapbooking Project

Good Friday everyone... I hope all of you are looking forward to the weekends! I know i am! *winks*

Both my sister and i are into scrapbooking lately. Scrapbooking is so "in" and there's endless possibilities for scrapbooking. From papers to cloths, laces to ribbons, flowers and buttons, stamps, foams...etc. you could use almost anything and everything for scrapbooking. It's basically "thinking out of the box" and letting your creativity flow through.

I googled for some scrapbooking ideas and here are some that i like.




aren't they all so lovely?

I was so engrossed browsing through them and i decided... "Yes... I want to have a scrapbook room/space too!"

Oh my... check out her huge scrapbooking collections. Do visit her blog and roll your mouse over the pics.

Here's some of the storage of her's that i want like.

Check out her pattern papers.

*gasp* look at her ribbons! i want !

Here's another room that i like.

I like her pink room and the wire dress thingy.

Scrapping Daisy - Neat!

Christy's Room- Pink and Brown *loves*

All that definitely made me excited to have my own scraproom! It'll be alot of work. But the idea of having a space for me to de-stress after a hard day at work is awesome *barney stinson style*. Anyhow, I'm in the midst of my first scrapbooking project.
I will post it up once it's completed. Do come back and check out this space again.

Till then...


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