Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Project Ten

I should have, would have, could have started this project eons ago. But lazy me kept procrastinating. Till it hit me hard with some news about it. That's when it dawned on me that damn.. i am HUGE! oh gosh. Could you imagine.. I have gained almost 10kg in a span of 5 months!?!? Can you believe it?!

that's my ideal weight.

I'm not one who makes New Year Resolutions cos I'm really not a believer of NYR. That, and the fact that I'm simply too lazy. I can't see myself slogging in the gym.. i mean the perseverance only last about a week or two at most and then I'm back to being a couch potato.

And the same goes to cutting down on my food intake. When i did that, i ended up eating more! When I decided to cut down my food intake, Its like instead of 3 normal meals, i ate..Breakfast>Lunch>Snack>Dinner>Snack>Supper... that's like 6 meals! *ashamed*

Last night i went to a supermarket to check out some stuffs and I passed by the weighing machine section. I decided to step on it and OMG?!!!! i had gained another 3kg since my last check-up at the clinic.. which is like less than a week ago?! OMG.. i hope my eyes was playing tricks on me. otherwise, I'm super doomed. *sad*

And to make matters worst, my brother keeps mentioning about my tummy and how fat I am now and how the buttons on my shirts looks like they're gonna burst any minute! And the choices in my wardrobe keeps decreasing each day, leaving me with almost nothing to wear to work. *double sigh*

But.. I can't help myself with eating.. and eating..

I can you resist this...

or this...


tell me your mouth's not watering?

need i say more?





and not forgetting these?




Ok Ok. I get it. You must be thinking...ohmygosh.. no wonder she puts on weight so easily. look at what she ate! I get it.I don't practice eating healthily.I don't even eat 2 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. Reality hit me hard when i was told that i really need to shed off those kilos. Otherwise my health will get worst. They say you only live once and thus eat as much while you can. And I'm not in the dying stage. But it does affect my health. Alot.

Therefore, from now onwards, I'm going to try to plan my meals ahead. Eat more vegetables and proteins and less of carbohydrate.

and try out these exercises..

*All images taken from Google search.

This project will run for about 3months or so. That's how fast i hope to shed 10 kilos off... and then if it's successful, I'll continue with it to reach my ideal weight.

I shall keep a diary of my weight daily. *chuckles*

Till then...


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